This transmitter consists of an explosion proof EExd IIB T6, IP65 aluminium housing includes a non linear low torque precision potentiometer and a voltage to current converter in order to provide an output of 4-20mA proportional to the tank liquid content of an horizontal cylindrical tank. On the potentiometer shaft, two powerful magnets are mounted in order to transmit the level indication to the dial and so to maintain a direct reading of the liquid level on the tank. The transmitter is supplied with its cable gland and with a 2m double insulated, shielded 2x0.75mm² (LiYCY-OB) cable.
The technical box 6315-XXXXE, Group II Category 2G is designed to be used in areas where potentially explosive atmosphere due to gas vapours could exist. It has been certified “EExd IIB T6”, safety equipment by explosion proof housing corresponding to the subdivision IIB (explosive atmosphere other than firedamp mines) and to the temperature class T6 (surface temperature less than 85°C). The conformity with the European Directive ATEX 94/9/CE has been verified by APRAGAZ who delivered the certificate APRAGAZ 10 ATEX 0127X. The suffix X indicates that the extremity of the cable must be located in an appropriate junction box with respect of the external influences, the explosion hazard and the required IP degree. The ambient temperature where the box is mounted must be between [-20°C and +65°C].
- Specify model number
- Specify length of cable required (2 meter standard)
- Specify type of gauge on which transmitter will be used (C, P, S or X)
Power supply (Ups) : 24 to 40Vdc (not inclued)
Mechanical rotation : 360°
Conformity : ± 0.5%
Hysteresis : ± 1.8%
Number of cycle : > 107 revolutions
Operating temperature : -20° to +65°C
Maximum impedance of the 4-20mA loop (in W) : = (Ups - 11.6)/20mA with Ups in Volts.
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ROCHESTER Transmitter Box