ZIMMER™ is the most hassle-free, easy-to-use vaporizer on the market. It offers a compact, affordable, energy-efficient design and requires virtually no maintenance. When quality, simplicity and reliability are your priorities, just choose ZIMMER.
If low cost of ownership of a vaporizer is important to you or your customers, Algas-SDI, the pioneer in dry-electric vaporizers, has the solution for you. Dry-electric means more reliable operation and less maintenance when compared to other vaporizer types. The ZIMMER requires almost zero maintenance. In the event that the vaporizer becomes clogged for any reason, it can be easily cleaned on-site without removal.
The technology behind the dry-electric ZIMMER is advanced, yet simple to operate. Algas-SDI innovated every element of the ZIMMER design ensuring years of safe, reliable, affordable, and easy-to-use LPG vaporization.
*Not All Sizes Available in All Markets – Consult Factory
ZIMMER is designed and rated for installations in hazardous area locations. The explosion proof design allows the unit to be installed with little to no distance set backs from the LPG storage tank, cylinders, buildings or other components in the installation. ZIMMER can be installed either in the horizontal or vertical position. This coupled with multiple installation options — wall mount, tank mount or stand mount — make it a perfect fit for a space constrained installation and the most versatile option for all applications.
ZIMMER Technical Specifications
Under low ambient temperature conditions the pressure drop through the heat exchangers of models Z100 and Z150 limits the pressure at the outlet of the vaporizer necessary to achieve full capacity through the high pressure regulator. Use the Vaporizer Outlet Pressure chart (100% propane shown) to determine the Z100 and Z150 outlet pressure at various liquid propane inlet temperatures. If the outlet pressure is not sufficient to achieve the required flow rate, a liquid pump needs to be installed in the system. For additional information on the Z100 and Z150 outlet pressure when vaporizing LPG mixtures, refer to detailed charts located on our website or contact the factory for application assistance.
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